Friday, October 30, 2009

Tim's back!

For those of you not on facebook, here are some recent pictures of Mr. Tim. I'll have more after Halloween tomorrow!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Steph's birthday, Superman, & laundry

Here are some new pics. (Sorry, they are in a random order.)

This is Tim to me. He loves to laugh.

Tim & Daddy at Bald Mountain Reservior.

Superman eating Ritz.

Tim did not like seeing Superman lose his head.

Steph on the frozen lake. Steph was so fun...she was iceskating around in those big rubber boots.

Tim stealing Mama's flips. Simple life.

Ritz are Tim's favorite food. He has a sign specifically for Ritz & he could pick out the box at the store.

Superman, Tim & Uncle Joe (on Steph's b-day)

Auntie Steph scaring pinata S. This was a fun b-day. Later on that day, we used the ATVs to pull each other around in sleds on the snow. Super awesome.

Poor S.

We were laughing so hard.

Tim helping with the laundry. He loves it.

Everyone was breaking up the ice & chucking it across the lake.

Uncle Joe's big throw.

Tim's braces are awesome. He's only had them a month & last week he took 5 steps by himself! Woohoo!

Joe's dog Benson. He loved Bald Mountain.

Tim showing where his belly button is.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Yay! Tim said "Mama" for the first time yesterday. It made my day.
1st word: Dada
2nd word: Hot
3rd word: Mama

I think he's trying to say, "Daddy's hot for Mama." :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Sorry for my missing posts. It's been crazy. We had a fun San Diego vacation with some family... surfing, Coronado --too cheap for iceskating, Children's museum, hot tubing, cards, candy auction, seeing the babies -- Sophia & Benson, hanging out. Super fun. Tim got sick on the way home. Threw up all over himself & his car seat again & again. He ended up in the hospital because he couldn't keep food down. We were in the ER getting IV fluids all night from Dec 29th - 30th. Came home for the day then went back to the hospital because Tim got bad again. He was admitted from Dec 30th through Jan 1st. We all got some other bug from being in the hospital. Tim's coughing makes him throw up but at least he's able to take in enough fluids to keep him out of the hospital now. I get really worried about him. I'm really afraid of him getting in bad shape like he did the first time. I already have a hard time thinking about the struggles he has to go through -- don't want it to get any worse. I need to remember how lucky we are and be glad for everything no matter what happens in the future. We love our little guy so much. He does the funniest things & loves to make us laugh. Here are some Christmas & vacation pics.
Love ya,